For Author
Synsint Research Group journals adhere to a meticulous single-blind peer review process, led by our expert editors. Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation by our editorial team to assess its timeliness, significance, scientific methodology, clarity of presentation, and relevance to our readership.
If deemed suitable for peer review, manuscripts are assigned to at least two international reviewer specialists selected by the editors based on their expertise in the field. Reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to ensure impartiality.
Feedback from reviewers is provided anonymously via detailed report forms, offering both general and specific comments to aid authors in improving their work. Revised manuscripts may undergo further peer review if necessary, with the final decision on publication resting with our expert editors. Manuscripts deemed unsuitable for publication are rejected by the editor.
The process for reviewing, accepting, and publishing articles follows a structured approach:
Initial assessment for adherence to journal standards in style and format. Papers not meeting these criteria are returned to the authors for completion.
Appropriate and complete submissions are forwarded to a handling editor to assess alignment with the journal’s scope and standards.
Manuscripts meeting formatting requirements undergo single-blind review by expert reviewers selected by the editor.
Authors receive reviewer comments and may revise their paper accordingly.
Revised manuscripts undergo final evaluation.
Editorial board meetings discuss the outcome of final evaluations to make publication decisions.
Accepted papers are placed in the publication queue.
After final pagination, papers are sent to corresponding authors for a final review before publication.
Utilizing the OJS platform and workflow, the editorial and publishing processes outlined above are encapsulated in the following flowchart.